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Lead your next right decision.

AJA Labs with its products helps its clients support business decisions based on business intelligence and data analytics. Together, we will transform your data to create valuable assets.


CompliBear ©

Catalyst to transform insights into Innovation.

Introducing CoSaaS to harness the powers of AI and ML providing a CCM solution that moves towards Pattern Analysis rather than rule based analytics.


Mind of a GTN practitioner. Turbocharged by the bandwidth of a computer.

Unravel Gross to Net Process to identify all revenue leakages using Pre-trained ML models.

Business Intelligence

Turning data into valuable assets.

Make strategic decisions based on data from your analytics ecosystem with business intelligence.

Data Visualization

Bringing data to life.

Data visualization helps you steer your company with dashboards connected to you ecosystem.

Big Data Analytics

Making the most of a considerable amount of data.

Don't restrain your data: integrate all type of source & volume to your ecosystem with Big Data.

Advanced Analytics

Anticipating the future with data.

Industrialize your models and leverage predictive analysis thanks to advanced analytics.

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